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to clear a little space in the corners of my mind,(为了在我心灵的角落清理出一片空地)


all i wanna do is find a way back into love,(我全心全意想要的是重返爱途)

i can\\\'t make it through without a way back into love,(无法重返爱途我无法生存)


i\\\'ve been watching but the stars refuse to shine,(我仔细寻觅但暗夜来临)

i\\\'ve been searching but i just don\\\'t see the signs,(我追寻但无迹可寻)

i know that it\\\'s out there,(我知道它就在那儿)

there\\\'s got to be something for my soul somewhere,(这是我内心某处的东西)


i\\\'ve been looking for someone to shed some light,(我寻觅某人为我带来光亮)

not somebody just to get me through the night,(不是其他人使我度过黑夜)

i could use some direction,(我可以自我导航)

and i\\\'m open to your suggestions,(我听从你的建议)


all i wanna do is find a way back into love,(我全心全意想要的是重返爱途)

i can\\\'t make it through without a way back into love,(无法重返爱途我无法度过)

and if i open my heart again,(如果我再次敞开心怀)

i guess i\\\'m hoping you\\\'ll be there for me in the end,(我猜我希望你在终点等我)


there are moments when i don\\\'t know if it\\\'s real(有许多我不知道是否真实的瞬间)

or if anybody feels the way i feel,(如果有人与我感同身受)

i need inspiration,(我需要激励)

not just another negotiation,(不只是再一次的妥协)


all i wanna to do is find a way back into love,(我全心全意想要的是重返爱途)

i can\\\'t make it through without a way back into love,(无法重返爱途我无法生存)

and if i open my heart to you,(如果我向你袒露心意)

i\\\'m hoping you\\\'ll show me what to do(我希望你能教我怎么做)

and if you help me to start again,(如果你帮我再次开始)

you know that i\\\'ll be there for you in the end.




way back into love(demo)--hugh grant/drew barrymore(网易云音乐)



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